Dienstag, 28. August 2018


Samstag, 15.9.2018  / 09.00 Uhr - 12.00Uhr
Mail:  info@aktiv-training.de
Kosten:  53.- Euro zzg. 19% Ust
Dauer: 3 Stunden

Sonntag, 26. August 2018


      Bild:  Jörg Linder

Athletic-and-Functional-Fitness-Training / Outdoor-Athletic-Training


Keynote:  Wer fit ist, hat mehr vom Leben!

Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention
Triathlon-Trainer-B-Lizenz (Langdistanz)
Kontakt /Mail: info@aktiv-training.de



                            Bild:  Jörg Linder



Keynote:  Wer fit ist, hat mehr vom Leben!

Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention
Triathlon-Trainer-B-Lizenz (Langdistanz)
Kontakt /Mail: info@aktiv-training.de


Mittwoch, 22. August 2018


                           Bild:  Jörg Linder



Keynote:  Wer fit ist, hat mehr vom Leben!

Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention
Triathlon-Trainer-B-Lizenz (Langdistanz)
Kontakt /Mail: info@aktiv-training.de


Dienstag, 21. August 2018


“People who really believe that they can’t afford the time to train don’t have their priorities right. Given the benefits to your health, strength and life in general, you need to ask yourself whether you can afford not to train!”

― Paul Wade


Sonntag, 19. August 2018

Mastering the basics

"Success in the gym, as with most things in life, comes down to mastering the basics.

With that in mind, here are 6 exercise tips, weightlifting basics, the best exercises to start with, and training essentials that nobody wants to believe, but everyone should follow......

...Start light and train for volume before intensity.
Ask most people if they had a good workout and they'll say things like, “Oh yeah, it was so intense.” Or, “I'm going to be so sore tomorrow.” Or, “I finished my workout by doing a set to failure.”

It's great to push yourself, but the biggest mistake that most people make is not building a foundation of strength. Everyone wants to jump in and max out with a weight that is “hard.” That's exactly the wrong way to do it. Your workouts should be easy in the beginning. (See: How to Start Working Out.)

Training to failure is a good way to wear yourself down, not build yourself up. You should have reps left in you at the end of your workout (and at the end of each set)...."

Quelle:  https://jamesclear.com/best-exercises-basics


Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention
Triathlon-Trainer-B-Lizenz (Langdistanz)
Kontakt /Mail: info@aktiv-training.de

Dienstag, 7. August 2018

Kettlebell-Workshops Baden-Baden

Einsteiger / Samstag, 29.09.2018 in Baden-Baden-Neuweier:


Kosten: 67,90.- Euro netto zzgl 19% Mwst

Fortgeschrittene / Sonntag, 30.09.2018 in Baden-Baden-Neuweier:


Kosten: 67,90.- Euro netto zzgl 19% Mwst

Anmeldung / Mailinfo@aktiv-training.de

Kettlebell Personal Training (für 1 - 2 Personen)

Trainingsinhalte analog Kettlebell-Workshops (s.o.) 

1 - 2 Termine a jeweils 3 Stunden:

Anfrage:   info@aktiv-training.de


Montag, 6. August 2018

“Have you been making progress recently?”

".....Our society is obsessed with achievement. This is especially true in the gym.
I'm just as guilty of this as anyone else. Last week, a guy at my gym clean and jerked 325 pounds and made it look easy. My first question to him was, “What’s your max?”
I didn’t say, “How is your training going?” or “Have you been making progress recently?” but rather, “What is the absolute maximum weight you can do?”
My question was all about what he could achieve, not how he has progressed.
And you’ll find that mentality everywhere. Nobody is going to celebrate you for going up 1 pound per week. Everybody wants you to try for 10 more pounds right now.
Here’s the problem: a focus on achievement in the here and now usually comes at the expense of slower, more consistent progress. Achievement is so ingrained in our culture that we often ignore progress. (Of course, focusing on progress would ultimately lead to higher achievement, but it’s easy to dismiss that fact when you want to set a new PR today.)
I’m still learning to embrace this principle myself, but I'm getting better at it. And here's what I've learned about training for slow progress rather than immediate achievement....."

Source: James Clear  / https://jamesclear.com/slow-gains 


Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention
Triathlon-Trainer-B-Lizenz (Langdistanz)
Kontakt /Mail: info@aktiv-training.de

Faszien, Stretching und Dehnen

Muskulatur verkürzt, wenn sie nicht über den zur Verfügung stehenden Weg (Bewegungsamplitude) gefordert wird. Dann „verkümmert“ auch das Bindegewebe und die Faszien.

Stretching und Dehnen:
Durch adäquates Stretching wird in der Faszie eine frische und belastabare Kollagenstruktur aufgebaut.

Stretching alleine reicht jedoch nicht aus, da das Bindegewebe in alle möglichen Richtungen, mal quer und mal parallel, verläuft (während die Muskulatur von Sehne zu Sehne – vom Ursprung zum Ansatz – in eine Richtung verläuft).
